Why Parents Choose Volusia Catholic Schools

kids running at Catholic school

Selecting the right school for your child is an important decision. We believe in providing an inclusive, faith-filled environment where students are challenged and actively engaged in exploration, discovery, and inquiry, whether they are taking classes in person or via livestream learning. Discover how choosing Volusia County Catholic Schools sets the foundation for a lifetime of success.

Academic Excellence

Our curriculum is based on Diocesan-approved standards and learning objectives that exceed state and national performance norms. We focus on educating the whole person and providing students with a well-rounded education that balances core academic curriculum with religious education and character development.

fine arts student wins award

Enrichment Programs

Student-led organizations such as student government, fine arts programs, athletics and mission trips help provide an education that extends beyond the classroom. Additional enrichment programs include foreign languages and advanced coursework options. Through these activities, students prepare for success by developing social, communication, and leadership skills.

Parent Partnerships

We know it takes a village to raise a child. Parental involvement is a valued component of Catholic education. We appreciate all levels of involvement, which are crucial to strengthening our community. We partner with parents to raise respectful, honest, ethical children, and we strive to instill these virtues.

student using touch screen technology


We are proud to provide a dynamic, hands-on learning environment where our students utilize the latest state-of-the-art technology. We incorporate the newest apps, tools, and interactive technology into every classroom to enhance the educational experience.

Test Scores and Graduation

According to the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA), 99% of Catholic school students score higher than public school students on standardized testing, and 99% of Catholic school students graduate. Of those, 86% go on to attend a four-year college! 

Community Service

We encourage our students to be civically engaged. Because of this, we teach about them about our responsibility to social justice and the importance of helping those in need. From collecting food for the homeless to cleaning up our beaches, students work both individually and as a team to serve their community and change the world.

Deland private schools are part of a vibrant community that provides a safe, nurturing environment for students to grow in their faith and explore their talents. We are dedicated to academic excellence and challenge students to become creative, critical, and compassionate leaders. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us today.


How to Make Chores Fun


The Strength of Mother Mary