Benefits of a Small Class Size

We look forward to students returning to school in the 2020-2021 new school year.  When students are back in the classroom, they can comfortably learn in a structured environment centered around small class sizes.  A small class size provides your child with many benefits. Smaller classes result in more individualized attention, increased student participation, and better communication between a teacher and her students, which helps your child prepare for the 21st-century workplace. Learn more about the benefits of a smaller class size.

Individual Help

Teachers can spend more one-on-one time with each student, meaning that they get to know their strengths, cater to their learning style, and ensure that they stay engaged. Students receive greater attention and assistance when they don’t understand a concept, and they’re more likely to get their questions answered when they raise their hand.

Greater Participation

Since fewer students makes it harder to get away with not participating, there is a greater incentive to pay attention and get involved. Students are more likely to focus on their work, take part in discussions, and receive constructive feedback (as well as receive a more thorough assessment of their work). This motivation to participate means that even the shyest students can share their ideas, which also benefits their peers, and feel comfortable to ask questions.

The Classroom Community

It can be intimidating to get comfortable and make friends in a large classroom. In smaller classroom environments, students are encouraged to connect with their classmates and they form lasting friendships. A small classroom environment behaves like a supportive family.

Hands-on Learning

When there are fewer students, it’s easier to personalize the learning experience to an individual’s unique learning style — making it more hands-on. Smaller classrooms are conducive to hands-on assignments and project-based learning, and students get to practice a concept firsthand.Volusia schools are part of a vibrant community that provides a safe, nurturing environment for students to grow in their faith and explore their talents. We are dedicated to academic excellence and challenge students to become creative, critical, and compassionate leaders. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us today.


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Message from Henry Fortier, Superintendent of Catholic Schools on School Closures, March 13, 2020